Top Tips for Using an IRA to Invest in Real Estate

Investing , finance , money

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are known for holding stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other traded investment assets. But that’s not all they can do. It’s possible to diversify your retirement portfolio and use specific retirement accounts to invest in real estate and other alternative investments.  Self-directed IRAs (SDIRAs) is a type of traditional or Roth IRA. […]

Upside Insights Highlight

Investing , finance , money

Haley Gant from Quest Trust Company shares how IRA is different from brokerage accounts, the importance of diversifying your investments, and advantages of Self Directed IRAs in the latest Upside Insights. Haley also highlights key things investors need to be aware of when investing in IRAs. Some of the key things investors should be aware […]

Investing in Multifamily Real Estate

Investing , finance , money

In a recent interview with Mountain West IRA, Chirag Hathiramani, Chief Investment Officer for Upside Avenue, an award-winning non-traded multifamily REIT. Chi specializes in identifying and acquiring multifamily investments throughout the United States sunbelt region. Chi talks about what makes multifamily investing different from single-family, reviews some advantages and challenges in managing a multifamily investment, […]

Introduction to Self-Directed Retirement Plans


What is a Self-Directed Retirement Account?  A Self Directed Retirement Account (SDRA) is a retirement account that offers a wider range of investment options than a standard retirement account held at a traditional custodian. SDRAs can include IRAs (both Roth and traditional), SEP-IRAs, Solo 401(k)s, and others.   Outside of a very few exceptions, the IRS […]

Upside Insights Highlight

Wealth generation

Wealth Generation In our series Upside Insights, Yuen Yung discusses how the multifamily industry can make a difference environmentally, financially, and socially. In this clip, we highlight how real estate is a large form of wealth generation. From owning land to owning a house or a business, over time wealth can be generated from these […]

New Year, Who Dis?

Investing , finance , money

A reflection on the past year and who Upside Avenue is now  Throughout Upside Avenue and our sister companies, we ended the year with a fun New Year, Who Dis? virtual baby photo sharing activity. It was a great opportunity to ooh and ahh over how adorable we all once were and wonder, “What happened?”  Not another New Year’s Post  We join the hundreds […]

Why invest in a non-traded REIT?

  Non-traded REITs offer certain buffers against stock market volatility By Thomas Parker With fears over a new recession, investors are looking for ways to stabilize their portfolios ahead of a downturn. More and more investors are allocating funds into income-producing real estate that isn’t correlated to stock market volatility. According to investment banking firm […]

What do Cap Rates tell you about a real estate investment property?

You can discover a property’s cap rate in a single simple formula. Upside Avenue CIO Todd Marney shares what a Cap Rate is, how it can help you make smart investment decisions, and helps you understand the different cap rates for different types of real estate.   By B. Todd Marney If you’re new to […]

How the yield curve helps you plan for a recession

Is a recession imminent? Upside Avenue CEO Yuen Yung shares how understanding the U.S. Treasury yield curve can help you make sure your portfolio is ready for a downturn   You’ve heard all of the tensions economists and analysts have over the inverted yield curve, but does that mean for your investments? In this post, […]

Connect with Upside Avenue at an Upcoming Event

  Upside Avenue plays an active role in the real estate investment community by frequently attending and speaking at events. Our team will be at a number of conferences throughout the United States this quarter and would love to connect. Contact us today to meet with Tom, Laura or Yuen at one of our upcoming events. […]