Why you should diversify your portfolio
Stock market volatility can put a lot of investors on edge. Learn why diversification can help you hedge against the inherent exposure to risk you get with traditional investing. Diversification is the safest hedge against increasing volatility in the stock market. Even when the stock market is performing strong, diversifying your portfolio across various types […]
What Is the Simplest Way to Build Wealth with Real Estate?
Real Estate Investing is the core to building wealth – but is it easy to do? Real estate investing is a powerful wealth building tool. Since the beginning of time, ownership of land and property is what elevated a person into a position that provided security and opportunities not available to the average person. How […]
What is a REIT and how does it work?
Why investing in a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) hedges against market fluctuations Real Estate investing has been one of the top wealth-building mechanisms since the dawn of time. But with recent headlines warning of downturns, people may be wondering if it’s still a smart investment choice in the current climate. That’s where a REIT, […]
Upside Avenue Adds to its REIT Portfolio
Upside Avenue added a new apartment community its multifamily income REIT. The investment property is located in Houston, a booming market that provides opportunities for some of the nation’s best real estate investments. Texas, and the Sunbelt region of the United States, remains a strong market for multifamily real estate investing because of the warm […]
Five reasons to reinvest your dividends
Each time the end of a financial quarter nears, you anticipate getting those dividend checks from your investments. As tempting as it may be to splurge on a new gadget or weekend getaway to the beach, we want you to consider the benefits of reinvesting your distributions. A DRIP, or Distribution Reinvestment Plan, is a […]