REIT Investing with Upside Avenue

What is REIT investing with Upside Avenue like? REIT investing is easy and Upside Avenue answers some commonly asked investor questions in this short five-minute interview. In this video, Luis Zamora addresses: When you’re investing in Upside Avenue’s REIT, what exactly are you in investing in? What kind of real estate does the REIT target? […]
The Asset Class Americans Prefer

One-third of Americans rate this asset class as their top choice for long-term investment growth. Director of Investor Relations, Tom Parker, recently spoke with Mainstar Trust on why real estate investing continues to be America’s favorite alternative asset class investment. After the passing of the JOBS Act in 2012, investing in real estate is now […]
Diversifying Your Investment Retirement Account with Real Estate Investment Trusts

Real Estate is consistently the favorite asset class for investors as it is recognized as the core to building wealth. Real estate investment trusts (REIT) offer a low barrier to entry to owning real estate, giving access to investors who may not be able to attain the required capital for their own private real estate […]