Upside Avenue Webinar Highlight

Investing , finance , money

How to Get My Money to Flow

Upside Avenue’s monthly webinars are geared towards reaching a larger audience and helping them to understand the benefits and importance of investing, managing one’s finance, and more. This month, we are highlighting a clip from one of our webinars titled, “How to Get My Money to Flow” with guest speaker Anna Sergunina, founder and president of MainStreet Financial Planning highlights why it is important to manage one’s finance and investments.

Everyone has their own way of managing their income and budgeting. Income comes in from many places. From jobs to investments, it is important to manage them accordingly. Managing them can be stressful if it is not done properly. Having more than one bank account to manage one’s money is essential for staying organized and saving. Anna Sergunina speaks on the Money Flow System, a system that outlines and break downs how many people spend their paychecks from both their checking, investments, and savings accounts.

Since the Covid-19 took the world by surprise, many people have been reevaluating the way the spend and and save money. This webinar will give you tips on how to get your money flowing in the right direction.

About Upside Avenue

For decades, the ultra-wealthy and financial institutions have been putting their money to work in real estate—now with Upside Avenue, you can too. We provide access to a professionally managed, diversified portfolio of income-producing multifamily real estate for as little as $2,000. Learn more about the Upside Avenue Multifamily REIT with targeted returns of 10-15% IRR.


